Tuesday, June 19, 2012


The wave is a movie that makes me to reflect about many things. This a clear example about that sometimes our thoughts is very easy to manipulate and is more normal when a person doesn't receive love (In this case "Tim" who commits suicide, his parents were very cold). This film showed me that when we're in a group, we can't to discriminate to other people; we must to respect other opinions and the people rights. And I want to say about two prospects.
About the students, was very irresponsible go to extreme with their attitudes as make de mark for all city and they must learn accept normally the teacher' decision, and about the teacher, make a experiment is good to demonstrate the situation but he must to establish some limits to the students. 

The Wave.

This is a special good movie to reflection. I never waited that final. 
I think that sometimes we don't use our reason.
Sometimes we only accepted us the people's thoughts without think in our own welfare. I understand too that sometimes, we take us things very seriously in this case "the uniform" and  "the greeting" and others but we can't go to the extremes because we can to transform our good intentions to vandalism, and finally when the people forget that the most important is the integrity, we hurt to persons that we love! ( in this case with discrimination and trampling the people rights). 

good wave seemed to me a very interesting movie that shows how a simple kind of autocracy and an experiment of this kind created by the teacher may result in a great tragedy .......
leaving one person dead and injury and psychological damage to many students in this class ......
I think as a human being is wrong rainer Professor everyone is entitled to make mistakes because we are not perfect but still can not justify such a mistake .... we can see in this film as the teacher begins to dominate his class and his students but he made a mistake by not listening to one of them (karo) as it was avoiding a serious tragedy in his life ...... as human beings we must understand that we need help from others and for me this was the case when to the teacher is out of hand things realizes that it is too late and you regret not having heard and to have ignored what his student had told karo .....
we hear what we say and advise us that sometimes when we want to act it is too late and we regret it thousands of times as the movie shows ....

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Hi, guys!
In this movie we see how dominant they have a teacher (it´is supposed that people are not so easily overpower us). In my personal opinion I think the teacher´s at an altitude or a wrong thinking because in one way or another get help or an "open your eyes, wake up" but still he doesn´t; it´s as personal to each person each of us analyze the things and attitudes that we take daily and as we assume the consequences of our actions.
I chose this picture because I see it reflected in an "evil" he is ready for anything and when he has the chance to end all this does not, something with which I disagree.
On the other hand I think in this way is very easy to manage a group. But, why? Because we can see that in most groups there´re all kinds of young people, each with very different lives and problems, but not only that but also different ways to face the difficulties and problems.
This is a great movie, I hope that those who saw it not do it! It unspoilable!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

La ola (the wave)
Directed by Dennis Gansel. a movie plot very impressive, from development to the end.
Account or shows the creation of a despotic society within a society school.
. A teacher must give a kind of autocracy seeks to explain how such societies, recreating with their students and making them take on the roles and requirements typical of these structures. So, as a teaching element, as a way to get an understanding was that the teacher Rainer Wenger (in the movie) took his students to the outbreak of a vibrant society.
This film tells us briefly that it is enough to remember the past to re-live it, And q as we saw Professor Rainer try to remember and even teach their students and what genre was a revolt, a vibrant society and its failure; Of education which leaves as much influence should not people be they friends, family, etc. Because   we do  not know how it will be your attitude or how mature faced that situation, being ultimately responsible for our own events.

The Wave

Just as a wave can sweep and derive everything in its path, so it does the power of words, which are vulnerable everywhere; cuaquier derriva sweeping and thought we have, we as youth we are always subject to change in our thinking and even more so when we indicated a reliable person.

 The wave is a clear example of this because it shows how we can influence us one people in our lives and how we can change the thinking and with it the way we act on what we believe and we have made you think and / or believe.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Vallenato Festival

Vallenato Festival

for me it was a great cultural celebration, I do not share these celebrations, did not attend any of them but I have a cousin who performed at the festival as a youth and the accordion and the family was an interesting experience.



This book tells my life and all changes that occurred in it, but more importantly about the power of God over us and that God fulfills His purpose in us, we just have to wait and trust him.

Recounts the stages of my life and some specifics of it but it also has a future desire or want to be, knowing that nothing is impossible with God. In this book, my life is embodied in a short and simple, a life full of joy, love and fun but also fears and difficulties but with God's help I could overcome.